OKC Thunder
2016-17 Season Campaign
As the 2016 season approached, fan engagement was really positive despite the off-season news that Kevin Durant would be leaving for Golden State. Due in large part to Russell Westbrook’s re-signing announcement just a few months later, this small market was hyped more than ever before for the upcoming season. However, the organization and its sponsors were getting increasingly nervous about what lay ahead for the season and wanted to ensure a significant turnout for the tune-in audience.
Our goal with the campaign was simple – amplify the authenticity. Our approach was to celebrate what its like to be a Thunder fan, rather than focusing on the individual players. Tapping into the energy, the undying love, and passion for this team as a communal experience was the key. Images of spouses, friends and individuals across generations were blended with tension, emotional reactions and abstract imagery of energy and noise to produce an amplified version of at-home Thunder fandom.