Catholic Charities
The Moment
34th Annual Green Tie Gala
In a country where 62% of the population has no emergency savings, the line between financial security and homelessness has become extremely thin. Catholic Charities aims to affect that each year with their annual Green Tie Gala. In 2016, this event would welcome nearly 650 guests to celebrate and support the homeless services of their Sanctuary Women's Development Centers in Oklahoma City and Norman, and Holy Family Home in Midwest City.
Unfortunately, due to lingering effects of the oil crisis, they lacked corporate support they had received in years past leading into the fundraiser. Looking to Staplegun, the agency I was working for at the time, to help them with a closing video, they hoped to encourage last minute donations during the event. They were very clear that this video should not depress people with sad stories of who Catholic Charities helps. It should be geared more towards igniting the emotion of the attendees to help gain the final donations for the night. It should be upbeat, showing a sense of urgency to donate now and build excitement. This video should highlight the cause and show how donations can change people’s lives.
With less than one week to cast and scout, two days to shoot, and just over a day to edit, we delivered a manifesto that would live beyond the event and become their primary fundraising tool for the year ahead. After the video was presented at the event, the number of donations surpassed the previous year with corporate sponsorship by 400%.